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Kayak Spot Reservations
It’s kayak season! For those of you who were unable to attend our General Meeting on Sunday, we’d like to take a moment to explain kayak storage procedures for this year. You will have the opportunity to choose your own kayak space this year using a reservation type system via Eventbrite. Think, similar to, purchasing tickets for seats at a baseball game or concert! Beginning June 24th,2024 at 12:00 PM, links will be posted on our website under the “Kayak Reservations” tab on our website. You will choose which beach you’d like to reserve a space at, and then choose an available space. This year, each space reservation will incur a $75 fee. For right now, due to our spike in membership, (thanks everyone!), we are limiting kayak space reservations to only one space per membership. If you happen to register for two spots only the first space will be reserved. The second one will be refunded and put back into the pool of spaces. You may not reserve one space and store two kayaks/paddleboards in it. Also, we do ask members to be respectful of and agree to our guidelines below, when storing their kayaks/paddleboards each year. **Please take note of #8 on the User Agreement portion, as this was voted upon by the board and added for implementation for the 2024 summer season.
In order to reserve a space on a kayak rack, you must be a member in good standing.
You must provide your own lock and cable and keep your kayak or paddleboard stored upside down, with the assigned mandatory sticker clearly displayed.
You must keep your kayak/paddleboard in your assigned spot at all times. If you store your kayak/paddleboard in someone else’s space, your lock will be cut and your kayak/paddleboard will be removed. A $50 cutting fee will be assessed and added to your next year’s dues per occurrence.
Kayak/paddleboard storage is for summer season use only. All kayaks/paddleboards must be removed by Labor Day, September 2nd, 2024, (weather permitting). If you fail to remove your kayak/paddleboard by this deadline, your lock will be cut and your kayak will be removed. A $50 cutting fee will be assessed and added to your next year’s dues per occurrence.
Only standard sized kayaks/paddleboards are allowed to be stored in our kayak racks. Canoes and boats are not permitted. ONE kayak/paddleboard may be stored in each space. “doubling up” is not permitted.
Kayak Storage is at your own risk. North Shore Beach Property Owners Association is hereby indemnified from any damage, theft or injury.
Reserved spaces are not for personal storage, such as chairs and umbrellas.
Life jackets, vests, belts, must be worn at all times when engaging in water activities on watercraft launched from NSBPOA shorelines.
If you have any questions, please email Gina, at kayaks@northshorebeach.org