Contact Us
North Shore Beach Property Owners Association
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What do I do with the sticker that came in my membership packet?
The large NSB sticker is for your mailbox - it’s how you show your NSB Pride!
2. How many household members are included in one membership?
Each membership comes with 5 total household members who are all covered under the primary member’s name.
Maximum of 2 additional members or total of 7 members per household.
Fees apply for additional members.
3. How many keys can I purchase?
Each membership comes with 1 key.
Maximum of 2 additional keys or total of 3 keys per household.
Fees apply for additional keys.
4. How many parking passes can I purchase?
Each membership comes with 1 parking pass hanger to be placed on your rearview mirror. The first parking pass hanger will match your membership number. Additional parking pass hangers will begin with the number 1, followed by non-matching numbers. This is not an error!
Maximum of 2 additional parking passes or total of 3 parking passes per household.
Fees apply for additional parking passes.
5. How do I purchase extra keys and/or parking pass stickers?
You can add them on when purchasing your membership online OR you can purchase them online separately under the "MORE" tab. You have the option of having additional items mailed to you or a pick-up at Friendship Beach during the months of July-August only.
6. How long is my membership for?
Membership begins January 1 and ends December 31.
7. Is there a prorated membership?
Yes, we begin to prorate membership after Labor Day.
8. Do I get an automatic notification for membership renewal?
Members will receive all communication via email so it is important to enter all emails that need notification when filling out the membership application. Members who have email addresses on file will receive a notification for next year's special pricing and other membership information.
9. How do I access WIFI?
The wifi password is listed under the members only section on the website.
If you do not have a log-on, you will need to request access using the email listed on your membership application.
10. How do I gain access to the members page on the website?
You can create a login by going to the members only section of the website.
You will need to use the email address that was entered on your membership form to create your account. Choose "SIGN UP" when creating your account.
The site administrator reviews and grants access on a weekly basis. After access is granted, click "LOG-IN" and use your respective credentials.
11. Can I purchase a daily pass?
We do not offer daily passes - membership must be purchased per calendar year.
A member may bring guests for a daily fee of $5 per adult and $3 per child.
If you would like a tour before purchasing, please contact the membership team.
12. Why does the payment page say PayPal? What if I don’t have a PayPal Account?
We use PayPal as our payment service.
You can pay using your PayPal Account or your debit/credit card.
13. How can I get a kayak rack space?
Kayak spaces can only be reserved online using our Eventbrite ticket system.
Please see the kayak section on the website. You will be notified via email about sticker pickup times.
14. Is my membership good at only one of the beaches?
No - your membership gives you access to all NSBPOA beach entrances and parking lots. Your membership packet will come with a map showing all the beaches and access points. You will also see where you can park on the road (Soundview Drive).
15. When do the beaches open for the season? What are the hours?
Our beaches are open all year round. However, they are not staffed, nor are restrooms open, until the official start of the summer season, which runs from the end of June until Labor Day. During the summer season, beaches are staffed from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM. When staff is not present, restrooms are closed. During the off season, staff is not present, restrooms are closed, and members are expected to enter and exit independently.
16. I have heard Soundview Drive is a private road. What does that mean?
Soundview Drive as well as Breeze Point Road is owned and maintained by NSBPOA.
We recommend all cars parking on the street affix the NSBPOA hanging parking pass or else you may risk being towed.
Membership is strongly encouraged for houses located on these streets as there is no other funding for the repair of roads except from membership.
The Town of Brookhaven does not provide any plowing or maintenance of those roads.
17. Do I get a discount to use the North Shore Beach Clubhouse?
Yes - there is a member’s discounted rate for all clubhouse rentals.
Please see more details under the clubhouse section of our website to contact the banquet coordinator.
18. Can I build a fire on the beach?
Yes - Please refer to fire permit application and rules on our website.
We require you provide notice of the fire and make sure to follow all guidelines for safety.
19. Can I bring my dog to the beach?
NSBPOA beaches are pet-friendly year-round. The only time pets are not allowed is between Memorial Day and Labor Day on weekends (Saturday and Sunday), between the hours of 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. All pet waste must be cleaned and removed from the beach. Owners are responsible for any disturbance caused by their animals.
Dogs are never allowed on the beach unleashed at any time.
20. Is there a special area for fishing during the day?
Fishing is allowed on all NSBPOA beaches but not allowed in swimming areas.
Please obtain a free saltwater fishing permit from NYS as it is required.
21. Where can I park?
There are four parking lots available. Each beach entrance has it's own parking lot (Friendship, Broadway and Beech).
There is also a parking lot at the eastern end of Hallock Landing. Members are also allowed to park anywhere on Soundview Drive which is a privately owned road by NSBPOA. Street parking can be used when parking lots are full.
You must have your parking pass displayed at all times. See the pictures below regarding parking lots.
Friendship Beach Parking
Broadway Beach Parking
Beech Rd. Beach Parking
Hallock Landing Parking
Please note you can only park to the right of the yellow gate in the marked spaces
Parking to the left is for night permit fishing only by Town of Brookhaven permit